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Kubernetes agent

Zenoss Cloud uses the data collected by the Zenoss agent for Kubernetes to create separate entities for each unique node, pod, container, and namespace in a cluster, and one entity for the cluster itself. To find a cluster in a dashboard scope query or Smart View query, enter the cluster name that you specified when you deployed the agent.

Entity relationships

The model data that the Zenoss agent for Kubernetes sends to Zenoss Cloud includes entity relationships. The following diagram illustrates the relationships:

The arrows show which objects affect other objects. The relationships are used to populate the related entities area in Smart View.

The following list replicates the diagram in text:

  • Nodes affect pods and the cluster.
  • The cluster affects namespaces.
  • Namespaces and containers affect pods.

Kubernetes metric data

You can configure many of the metrics that Zenoss Cloud collects for Kubernetes as tiles in Dashboards.

Cluster metrics

Metric Units Metric type integer gauge integer gauge integer gauge millisecond gauge
k8s.cluster.memory.bytes byte gauge
The value is the sum of the same metrics for all containers in the cluster.

Node metrics

Metric Units Metric type millisecond gauge
k8s.node.memory.bytes byte gauge

Namespace metrics

Metric Units Metric type integer gauge integer gauge millisecond gauge
k8s.namespace.memory.bytes byte gauge
The value is the sum of the same metrics for all containers in the namespace.

Pod metrics

Metric Units Metric type integer gauge millisecond gauge
k8s.pod.memory.bytes byte gauge
The value is the sum of the same metrics for all containers in the pod.

Container metrics

Metric Units Metric type millisecond gauge
k8s.container.memory.bytes byte gauge