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How to install Zenoss Data Monitor on Windows

Use this procedure to install a Zenoss Data Monitor service on a real or virtual Windows host.


Hardware resources

  • 1 CPU core (64-bit)
  • 30 MiB main memory
  • A network interface that supports TCP/IP and provides a minimum of 5 megabits per second upload capacity
  • Support for Advanced Encryption Standard (AES)

Software resources

  • Windows Server 2016 or a more recent Windows version
  • A login account with Administrator privileges
  • Internet access (outbound TCP traffic through port 443)
  • DNS support, to reach your Zenoss API endpoint

Additional requirements


Currently, only non-interactive installation is supported.

Download the distribution file

  1. In a web browser, navigate to, and then log in.

  2. Display the Zenoss Data Monitor distribution files.

  3. Download the latest file for Windows systems.

    In the preceding example, the filename is zendatamon-agent_1.0.0_build113.msi. (The version number may be greater than 1.0.0.)

  4. If necessary, copy the file to the Zenoss Data Monitor host.

Non-interactive installation


This procedure assumes you are using a PowerShell window ($VAR="value"). Adjust as required for Command Prompt windows (set VAR="value").

  1. Log in to the Windows host as a user with Administrator privileges.

  2. Run PowerShell as Administrator, and then change directory to the directory where the zendatamon.msi file is located.

  3. Set a temporary variable for your Zenoss API endpoint and port (always 443).

    Replace <YOUR_API_ENDPOINT> with your endpoint:

  4. Set a temporary variable for a Zenoss API authentication key.

    Replace <YOUR_API_KEY> with an API key:

  5. (Optional) Set a temporary variable for a source name for this service.

    The default value is {hostname}.windows-agent, where {hostname} is replaced with the host's name. You can specify {ipaddr} in the source name to get the host's IP address. Appending .windows-agent is encouraged.

    Replace <YOUR_SOURCE_NAME> with a source name for this service:

  6. (Optional) Set a temporary variable for an alternate installation directory.

    The default directory is C:\Program Files (x86)\Zenoss. Replace <YOUR_INSTALL_DIR> with an absolute path:

  7. Review the Zenoss Data Monitor license agreement.

  8. Start the installation.

    .\zendatamon.msi ZENOSS_LICENSE_AGREEMENT="yes" ZENOSS_API_ENDPOINT="$myEndpoint" ZENOSS_API_KEY="$myApiKey"
    .\zendatamon.msi ZENOSS_LICENSE_AGREEMENT="yes" ZENOSS_API_ENDPOINT="$myEndpoint" ZENOSS_API_KEY="$myApiKey" ZENOSS_SOURCE="$mySource"
    .\zendatamon.msi ZENOSS_LICENSE_AGREEMENT="yes" ZENOSS_API_ENDPOINT="$myEndpoint" ZENOSS_API_KEY="$myApiKey" ZENOSS_INSTALL_DIR="$myInstall"
    .\zendatamon.msi ZENOSS_LICENSE_AGREEMENT="yes" ZENOSS_API_ENDPOINT="$myEndpoint" ZENOSS_API_KEY="$myApiKey" ZENOSS_SOURCE="$mySource" ZENOSS_INSTALL_DIR="$myInstall"