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Extending Zenoss Cloud with ZenPacks

ZenPacks extend and add new functionality to Collection Zones. This can be as simple as adding new device classes or monitoring templates, or as complex as extending the data model and creating new collection services.

You can use ZenPacks to add:

  • Monitoring templates
  • Data sources
  • Graphs
  • Event classes
  • User commands
  • Reports
  • Model extensions
  • Product definitions

Complex ZenPacks include development of scripts or services, using Python or another programming language.

Displaying installed ZenPacks

To display information about installed ZenPacks, you must be logged in to a Collection Zone as a user with Manager or ZenManager privileges.

  1. Navigate to ADVANCED > SETTINGS.
  2. In the left column, click ZenPacks.

ZenPack networking requirements

Certain ZenPacks provide integrations with 3rd party tools and require IP connectivity from your Zenoss Cloud tenant.

Depending on your setup, you might need to know the source IP address from which to expect connections. For example, if a ZenPack is sending notifications to a ticketing system behind a firewall, then you might want to allow access from the source IP address.

If needed, check with your Zenoss support associate to identify your Zenoss region.

Environment Google Cloud Region IP Address
US Production (Central) us-central1
US Production (West) us-west4
Europe Production (Frankfurt) europe-west3
Australia Production & Development/Staging australia-southeast1
Development/Staging (non-Australian) us-central1

ZenPack information resources

Zenoss provides a broad range of ZenPacks, described in the ZenPack catalog.

You can create your own ZenPacks and have your ZenPacks or those developed by others installed in a Collection Zone. For more information, refer to the following ZenPack resources:

Developing ZenPacks for Collection Zones

You can download a virtual appliance that contains everything you need to start developing and testing ZenPacks for use in Zenoss Cloud.

The virtual appliance is available from Zenoss Delivery. For more information about installing a virtual appliance, see Resource Manager virtual appliances. After you have installed the appliance, head over to the ZenPack Development Kit documentation for further instructions on configuring your development environment for ZenPack development.

3rd-party libraries available for use in ZenPacks

Zenoss Cloud includes a variety of common, 3rd-party Python libraries in the base images for Collection Zones. This means that your custom ZenPacks can rely on the following libraries in the ZenPack runtime environment:

  • AccessControl 2.13.16
  • Acquisition 2.13.12
  • alabaster 0.7.9
  • amqp 1.4.9
  • amqplib 1.0.2
  • anyjson 0.3.3
  • appdirs 1.4.0
  • astrolabe 0.4.0
  • atomic 0.7.2
  • attrs 20.3.0
  • Automat 0.8.0
  • Babel 2.9.1
  • backports.functools-lru-cache 1.6.1
  • backports.shutil_get_terminal_size 1.0.0
  • backports.ssl-match-hostname
  • bcrypt 3.1.7
  • Beaker 1.7.0
  • beautifulsoup4 4.8.1
  • billiard
  • BTrees 4.7.2
  • celery 3.1.26.post2
  • certifi 2020.6.20
  • cffi 1.15.0
  • chardet 3.0.4
  • collective.beaker 1.0b3
  • ConcurrentLogHandler 0.9.1
  • constantly 15.1
  • cryptography 3.3.2
  • DateTime 2.12.8
  • decorator 4.4.2
  • defusedxml 0.4.1
  • dm.reuse 1.1
  • dnspython 1.16.0
  • DocumentTemplate 2.13.2
  • docutils 0.16
  • enum34 1.1.10
  • eventlet 0.24.1
  • ExtensionClass 2.13.2
  • five.localsitemanager 2.0.5
  • funcsigs 0.4
  • future 0.18.2
  • ganglia 0.3.0
  • greenlet 1.1.2
  • hiredis 1.1.0
  • httplib2 0.19.0
  • hyperlink 19.0.0
  • idna 2.7
  • imagesize 0.7.1
  • incremental 17.5.0
  • initgroups 2.13.0
  • inotify-simple 1.3.4
  • ipaddr 2.1.10
  • ipaddress 1.0.23
  • ipython 5.10.0
  • ipython_genutils 0.2.0
  • Jinja2 2.11.3
  • kombu 3.0.37
  • linecache2 1.0.0
  • lxml 4.6.5
  • manuel 1.1.1
  • MarkupSafe 1.1.1
  • mechanize 0.2.5
  • meld3 1.0.2
  • metrology 1.2.4
  • Missing 2.13.1
  • mock 1.1.0
  • monotonic 1.6
  • MultiMapping 2.13.0
  • MySQL-python 1.2.5
  • networkx 1.7
  • numpy 1.9.2
  • pathlib2 2.3.5
  • pbr 1.10.0
  • perfmetrics 3.0.0
  • Persistence 2.13.2
  • persistent 4.6.4
  • pexpect 4.8.0
  • pickleshare 0.7.5
  • ply 3.11
  • poster 0.6.0
  • Products.AdvancedQuery 3.0.3
  • Products.BeakerSessionDataManager 1.1
  • Products.BTreeFolder2 2.13.5
  • Products.CMFCore 2.2.4
  • Products.ExternalMethod 2.13.1
  • Products.GenericSetup 1.6.3
  • Products.MailHost 2.13.2
  • Products.ManagableIndex 2.1.5
  • Products.MIMETools 2.13.0
  • Products.OFolder 2.0.1
  • Products.OFSP 2.13.2
  • Products.PluggableAuthService 1.7.1
  • Products.PluginRegistry 1.2
  • Products.PythonScripts 2.13.2
  • Products.StandardCacheManagers 2.13.1
  • Products.ZCatalog 2.13.27
  • Products.ZCTextIndex 2.13.5
  • Products.ZSQLMethods 2.13.4
  • prompt_toolkit 1.0.18
  • protobuf 3.15.0
  • ptyprocess 0.6.0
  • pyasn1-modules 0.2.8
  • pyasn1 0.4.8
  • pycparser 2.21
  • pycrypto 2.6.1
  • pycryptodomex 3.9.8
  • pygments 2.5.2
  • pyhamcrest 1.10.1
  • PyJWT 1.5.3
  • PyMySQL 0.6.3
  • pyOpenSSL 21.0.0
  • pyparsing 2.4.2
  • pyrabbit 1.1.0
  • pysmi 0.3.4
  • pysnmp 4.4.12
  • python-dateutil 2.6.0
  • python-ldap 3.3.1
  • python-memcached 1.57
  • pytz 2022.1
  • PyYAML 5.4
  • Record 2.13.0
  • redis 2.10.6
  • relstorage 3.0.1
  • requests 2.27.1
  • RestrictedPython 3.6.0
  • scandir 1.10.0
  • semver 2.10.2
  • service-identity 18.1.0
  • setuptools 44.1.1
  • simplegeneric 0.8.1
  • six 1.16.0
  • snowballstemmer 1.2.1
  • socketIO-client 0.5.3
  • solrcloudpy 4.0.1
  • soupsieve 1.9.6
  • Sphinx 1.4.5
  • suds 0.4
  • supervisor 3.4.0
  • tempstorage 4.0.1
  • toposort 1.0
  • traceback2 1.4.0
  • traitlets 4.3.3
  • transaction 2.4.0
  • Twisted 20.3.0
  • txAMQP 0.6.2
  • txredis 2.4
  • ujson 1.23
  • unittest2 1.1.0
  • urllib3 1.26.9
  • wcwidth 0.2.5
  • websocket-client 0.37.0
  • zc.lockfile 1.0.2
  • ZConfig 2.9.3
  • zdaemon 2.0.7
  • zExceptions 2.13.0
  • zLOG 2.11.2
  • ZODB3 3.10.7
  • ZODB 5.5.1
  • zodbpickle 2.0.0
  • zope.annotation 3.5.0
  • zope.broken 3.6.0
  • zope.browser 1.3
  • zope.browsermenu 3.9.1
  • zope.browserpage 3.12.2
  • zope.browserresource 3.10.3
  • zope.component 3.9.5
  • zope.configuration 3.7.4
  • zope.container 3.11.2
  • zope.contentprovider 3.7.2
  • zope.contenttype 3.5.5
  • zope.datetime 3.4.0
  • zope.deferredimport 3.5.3
  • zope.dottedname 3.4.6
  • zope.event 3.5.2
  • zope.exceptions 3.6.2
  • zope.filerepresentation 3.6.1
  • zope.formlib 4.0.5
  • zope.i18n 3.7.4
  • zope.i18nmessageid 3.5.3
  • zope.interface 4.4.2
  • zope.lifecycleevent 3.6.2
  • zope.location 3.9.1
  • zope.pagetemplate 3.5.2
  • zope.processlifetime 1.0
  • zope.proxy 3.6.1
  • zope.ptresource 3.9.0
  • zope.publisher 3.12.6
  • zope.schema 3.7.1
  • 3.7.4
  • zope.sendmail 3.7.5
  • zope.sequencesort 3.4.0
  • 3.9.2
  • zope.size 3.4.1
  • zope.structuredtext 3.5.1
  • zope.tal 3.5.2
  • zope.tales 3.5.3
  • zope.testbrowser 3.11.1
  • zope.testing 3.9.7
  • zope.testrunner 4.0.4
  • zope.traversing 3.13.2
  • zope.viewlet 3.7.2
  • Zope2 2.13.24
  • ZopeUndo 2.12.0