Service Health tile
The Service Health tile displays the status of one or more dynamic services defined in Service Impact.
The text, coloring, and, optionally, shading represent the most recent availability and performance states.
A horizontal bar (optional) represents the history of Service Impact events during the current time range.
You can create a filter to select a subset of the dashboard's scope, and you can choose to display the availability state, the performance state, or both states.
When the tile is large enough, the tile includes a horizontal bar representing the current time range, with vertical lines in the bar representing Service Impact events during the range. When you click on a service name, Zenoss Cloud opens the service's home page in Service Impact.
Optionally, you can view availability and performance percentages on the tile. These percentages indicate the proportion of time that the service is considered available and performant. This information gives you a quick and easy way to assess the health of your services. You can customize the types of events that are included in these classifications in the Tile Configuration panel.
You can use the ZenPackLib.ImpactService entity type in the dashboard scope editor to select dynamic service entities, if desired.
Example tile
Configuring the tile
You can set the following options to determine how your tile appears in the dashboard.
- Tile title
- Enter a name for the tile. This text appears in the upper-left corner of the tile.
- Add Service
- (Optional) Enter one or more specific services to include in the tile, a subset of the dashboard's scope.
- Show
- (Optional) Select the indicator type(s) to include in the tile. The default is to show both Availability and Performance indicators.
- Show percentage
(Optional) Select when to show a percentage for the indicator type. Options include:
When below 100%: Percentages only show when the indicator is below 100%. This is the default option.
Always: Percentages always show for the indicator.
Never: Percentages never show for the indicator.
- Minimum availability state
(Optional) Select the lowest state at which the service is considered available. For example, if you select At risk, the service is available when it's at risk or up. If you select Up, the service is only available when it's in the up state. Options include:
Up: The minimum state for services to be considered available is up. If you select this option, then the service is considered available only when the service is in the up state.
At risk: The minimum state for services to be considered available is at risk or higher. If you select this option, then the service is available only when the service is in the at risk or up states. This is the default option.
Degraded: The minimum state for services to be considered available is degraded. If you select this option, then the service is available when the service is in the degraded, at risk, or up states.
- Minimum performance state
(Optional) Select the lowest state required for the performance percentage to be considered positive for the service. For example, if you select Degraded, time spent in the degraded or acceptable states counts toward the performance percentage. If you select Acceptable, then only time spent in the acceptable state counts toward the performance percentage. Options include:
Acceptable: The minimum state for services to be considered performant is acceptable. If you select this option, then the service is considered performant only when the service is in the acceptable state.
Degraded: The minimum state for services to be considered performant is degraded. If you select this option, then the service is considered performant when the service is in the degraded or acceptable states. This is the default option.
- Highlight
- A toggle that enables or disables colored shading in the Availability and Performance cells.
- Tile scope filters
(Optional) Create a specific filter just for the tile. This is useful if you need to compare different services side-by-side. For example, maybe you want to compare the performance of your services in different regions.
Use the query builder to create and apply a filter to the tile:
Click the + (plus sign) to add a clause.
To define the clauses, click in the first field to select an entity field. This field offers suggestions based on the user-friendly names in the Dictionary or from live data in your system.
Select your operator, then select your value. Start typing in the value field for autosuggestions based on your selected entity field.
To add another simple clause or add a compound clause, use the buttons in the top of your query. To remove all the clauses, click the X button in the top of the query.