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Notes tile

The Notes tile displays plain text or HTML5-encoded content in any combination. You can include up to 3000 characters in a tile.

Many HTML5 features are supported, although elements and attributes that are vulnerable to cross-site scripting attacks are not supported. Specifically, the following elements are not supported:

  • The document root (html) and content root (body) elements
  • All document metadata elements (base, head, link, meta, style, title)
  • All table elements (caption, col, colgroup, table, tbody, td, tfoot, th, thead, tr)
  • Two of the inline elements for Ruby code (rb, rtc)
  • Most embedded content elements (embed, iframe, object, param)
  • Most scripting elements (script, noscript)
  • The interactive dialog element

HTML5 is parsed during input and the save function is disabled if parsing fails. However, the tile includes a control that corrects invalid and unsafe HTML5 for you!

Zenoss Cloud renders a preview of the content in the input field even if the content includes invalid or unsafe HTML5. If the content does not fit in the tile, Zenoss Cloud adds a scroll bar to the right side of the tile.

Example tile

Tile configuration options

Tile title
The text that appears in the upper-left corner of a tile.

The plain text or HTML5-encoded content to display in the tile.

The following message and control are displayed if the elements or attributes you enter are invalid or unsafe:

To correct the issues, click FIX IT. Invalid and unsafe elements and attributes are removed.