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Windows metrics

System metrics

Name Units Description
sys.boot_time cycles The collective time the system used during boot
sys.cpu_count count A count of CPU cores
sys.load1 processes The load average over the past 1 min on the system
sys.load5 processes The load average over the past 5 mins on the system
sys.load15 processes The load average over the past 15 mins on the system
sys.process_count count The count of running processes
sys.user_count count The count of current users
sys.uptime time A monotonically incrementing metric for system up time

CPU metrics

Name Units Description
cpu.time_active cycles A monotonically incrementing metric for CPU activity
cpu.time_idle cycles A monotonically incrementing metric for CPU idleness
cpu.time_guest cycles A monotonically incrementing metric for CPU guest activity
cpu.time_guest_nice cycles A monotonically incrementing metric for CPU guest nice activity
cpu.time_iowait cycles A monotonically incrementing metric for CPU IO Waiting activity
cpu.time_irq cycles A monotonically incrementing metric for CPU IRQ activity
cpu.time_nice cycles A monotonically incrementing metric for CPU Nice activity
cpu.time_softirq cycles A monotonically incrementing metric for CPU Soft IRQ activity
cpu.time_steal cycles A monotonically incrementing metric for CPU Steal activity
cpu.time_system cycles A monotonically incrementing metric for CPU System activity
cpu.time_user cycles A monotonically incrementing metric for CPU User activity
cpu.usage_active percent Percent of CPU used for activity
cpu.usage_idle percent Percent of CPU used for idleness
cpu.usage_guest percent Percent of CPU used for guest activity
cpu.usage_guest_nice percent Percent of CPU used for guest nice activity
cpu.usage_iowait percent Percent of CPU used for IO Waiting activity
cpu.usage_irq percent Percent of CPU used for IRQ activity
cpu.usage_nice percent Percent of CPU used for Nice activity
cpu.usage_softirq percent Percent of CPU used for Soft IRQ activity
cpu.usage_steal percent Percent of CPU used for Steal activity
cpu.usage_system percent Percent of CPU used for System activity
cpu.usage_user percent Percent of CPU used for User activity

Some releases of Windows do not collect this metric, so the value may be empty.

Memory metrics

Name Units Description GB The total amount of memory for the system GB The amount of free memory for the system
mem.used GB The amount of used memory
mem.utilization percent The percent of memory used
mem.available GB The amount of available memory
mem.available_percent percent The percent of memory available

Disk metrics

Name Units Description GB Total capacity of the disk
disk.used GB Used space on the disk
disk.used_percent percent Percent of the disk used GB Free space on the disk
disk.free_percent percent Percent of the disk free
disk.inodes_total count Total INodes on the disk
disk.inodes_used count Used INodes on the disk
disk.inodes_free count Free INodes on the disk

Some releases of Windows do not collect this metric, so the value may be empty.

Disk I/O metrics

Name Units Description
diskio.io_time time The time used for disk io operations
diskio.weighted_io_time time The time used for disk io operations weighed over a period
diskio.iops_in_progress count The number of IO operations in progress
diskio.merged_reads count The number of merged read operations
diskio.merged_writes count The number of merged write operations
diskio.read_bytes bytes The number of bytes read
diskio.read_time time The total time used for read operations
diskio.write_bytes bytes The number of bytes written
diskio.write_time time The total time used for write operations
diskio.reads count The total number of read operations
diskio.writes count The total number of write operations

Network metrics

Name Units Description
net.data_sent kbps The rate of bytes being sent
net.data_recv kbps The rate of bytes being received
net.packets_sent count A monotonically incrementing metric for sent packets
net.packets_recv count A monotonically incrementing metric for received packets
net.drop_in count Count of lost inbound packets
net.drop_out count Count of lost outbound packets
net.err_in count Count of inbound packet errors
net.err_out count Count of outbound packet errors