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Kubernetes connector

Zenoss Cloud provides a ready-made connector for your Kubernetes platform. After you set up the Kubernetes connector, you can monitor metrics for your Kubernetes platform.

Before you begin

As a best practice before setting up your connector, check that your service allows the source IP address from which to expect connections. See Before setting up your connectors for the list of IP addresses and more information.

Set up a Kubernetes connector

Perform the following steps to set up a Kubernetes connector.


Your account must be assigned the Manager role to create and manage connectors.

  1. Log in to Zenoss Cloud as a user with the Manager role, and then open the ADMIN > Connectors page.

  2. On the the Kubernetes card in the Container Orchestration area, click ADD.

  3. In the Kubernetes details area, enter general information about your Kubernetes connector.

    1. In the Kubernetes Name field, enter a unique name.

      The name you choose is used as the source name for the data Zenoss Cloud collects.

    2. (Optional) In the Description field, enter text to associate with your Kubernetes connector.

    3. Leave the Connector type field unchanged (Kubernetes).

    4. (Optional) In the Tags field, enter one or more terms to associate with your Kubernetes connector.

  4. In the Kubernetes configurations section, set an optional collection interval, then select an existing credential or create a new one.

    1. Set the Collection interval. The default setting is 5 minutes.

    2. From the Credential list, select an existing credential or create a new one. When you choose Create new credential, the dialog box expands to include fields for creating a new credential for Kubernetes.

    For more information about creating a new credential, see Add Kubernetes credentials.

  5. Click SAVE.

To view the metrics Zenoss Cloud collects, copy a template or create a new dashboard.

Kubernetes metric data

You can configure many of the metrics that Zenoss Cloud collects for Kubernetes as tiles in Dashboards.

Cluster metrics

Metric Units Metric type integer gauge integer gauge integer gauge millisecond gauge
k8s.cluster.memory.bytes byte gauge
The value is the sum of the same metrics for all containers in the cluster.

Node metrics

Metric Units Metric type millisecond gauge
k8s.node.memory.bytes byte gauge

Namespace metrics

Metric Units Metric type integer gauge integer gauge millisecond gauge
k8s.namespace.memory.bytes byte gauge
The value is the sum of the same metrics for all containers in the namespace.

Pod metrics

Metric Units Metric type integer gauge millisecond gauge
k8s.pod.memory.bytes byte gauge
The value is the sum of the same metrics for all containers in the pod.

Container metrics

Metric Units Metric type millisecond gauge
k8s.container.memory.bytes byte gauge