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Zoom metrics

View the metrics for Zoom connectors in the following tables. As more metrics are added, this information will be updated.

Zoom connector metrics include metrics for the dashboard, reports, and billing.

Metric Metric label Units Description
zoom.dashboard.list.meeting.participants Meeting - Participant Count Count The total number of participants in a meeting
zoom.dashboard.list.meeting.duration Meeting - Duration seconds Duration of the meeting in seconds Chat - Total Sent chats The total count of all messages sent
Metric Metric label Units Description Cloud Recording - Free Usage bytes Amount of free usage available for cloud recordings Cloud Recording - Plan Usage bytes Amount of total paid storage available for cloud recordings Cloud Recording - Usage bytes Amount of storage used for cloud recordings
zoom.reports.daily.usage.meeting.minutes Daily Usage - Meeting Minutes minutes The total meeting minutes per day from Reports
zoom.reports.daily.usage.meetings Daily Usage - Meeting Count meetings The total number of meetings per day from Reports
zoom.reports.daily.usage.newusers Daily Usage - New Users users The number of new users in a meeting per day from Reports
zoom.reports.daily.usage.participants Daily Usage - Participant Count participants The total number of meeting participants per day from Reports
zoom.reports.meeting.participants.count Reports - Meeting Participants count participants The total number of participants in all meetings attended by the user
zoom.reports.meeting.duration Reports - Meeting Duration minutes The total meeting duration of all the meetings attended by the user Reports - Meeting Total Minutes minutes The total minutes of all the meetings attended by the user
Metric Metric label Units Description
zoom.billing.planbase.hosts Plan Base - Hosts count Number of hosts in the base plan
zoom.billing.planbase.usage Plan Base - Usage count Total usage in the base plan
zoom.billing.planbase.pending Plan Base - Pending count Total number of pending licenses in the base plan
zoom.billing.planrecording.freestorage Plan Recording - Free Storage bytes Amount of free storage available in Plan Recording
zoom.billing.planrecording.freestorageusage Plan Recording - Free Storage Usage bytes Amount of free storage used in Plan Recording
zoom.billing.planrecording.planstorage Plan Recording - Plan Storage bytes Amount of plan storage in Plan Recording
zoom.billing.planrecording.planstorageexceed Plan Recording - Plan Storage Exceed bytes Amount of plan storage exceeded in Plan Recording
zoom.billing.planrecording.planstorageusage Plan Recording - Plan Storage Usage bytes Amount of plan storage used in Plan Recording