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host-disk datasource

The host-disk datasource collects information about disks from the operating system and creates metric data points and entities.


Name Units Description
disk.io_time ms Milliseconds spent doing I/Os in concrete moment of time.
disk.iops_in_progress operations I/Os currently in progress.
disk.merged_read_count merged/sec The number of read requests merged per second that were queued to the device.
disk.merged_write_count merged/sec The number of write requests merged per second that were queued to the device. sectors/sec The number of sectors read from the device per second.
disk.read_count operations/sec The number of read requests that were issued to the device per second.
disk.read_time ms Milliseconds spent by all reads in concrete moment of time.
disk.weighted_io weighted percent This field is incremented at each I/O start, I/O completion, I/O merge, or read of these stats by the number of I/Os in progress times the number of milliseconds spent doing I/O since the last update of this field.
disk.write sectors/sec The number of sectors written to the device per second.
disk.write_count operations/sec The number of write requests that were issued to the device per second.
disk.write_time ms Milliseconds spent by all writes in concrete moment of time.

Name styles

This datasource supports two mutually exclusive naming styles for the metrics that it collects:

  • canonical: The default style, which features namespace prefixes.
  • linuxMonitorZenPack: The legacy style, used in the Linux Monitor ZenPack.

To change the default style, set the metric-names-variant property in the datasource section to linuxMonitorZenPack.

Canonical style ZenPack style
disk.io_time diskstats_ioInProgress
disk.iops_in_progress diskstats_msDoingIO
disk.merged_read_count diskstats_readsMerged
disk.merged_write_count diskstats_writesMerged diskstats_sectorsRead
disk.read_count diskstats_readsCompleted
disk.read_time diskstats_msReading
disk.weighted_io diskstats_msDoingIOWeighted
disk.write diskstats_sectorsWritten
disk.write_count diskstats_writesCompleted
disk.write_time diskstats_msWriting


Property Description
name Disk label (if present) or the name used by the kernel
label Disk label (may be empty)
kernel-name Disk name used by the kernel
block_type Block type (for example, disk, part, lvm)
major_minor Major and minor number of the disk, separated by a colon
mountpoint Path of disk mount point; empty if unmounted
serialNumber Disk serial number; may be empty for virtual disks
size Disk capacity, in bytes


  "block_type": "lvm",
  "kernel-name": "dm-2",
  "label": "docker-docker--pool_tmeta",
  "major_minor": "253:2",
  "mountpoint": "",
  "name": "docker-docker--pool_tmeta",
  "serialNumber": "",
  "size": "943718400"


If you specify the host-disk datasource during installation, its configuration file is placed in the following location:


Otherwise, you must copy it from the templates directory:

cp /etc/zendatamon-configs/.templates/.configs/host-disk.config.yaml \

The Zenoss Cloud agent service monitors the /etc/zendatamon-configs/configs directory and loads any new or changed configuration files immediately.


interval (number)
The number of seconds to wait between collection attempts. This value overrides the defaultInterval value in the Zenoss Cloud agent service configuration file.
timeout (number)
The number of seconds to wait before dropping a collection attempt.
metric-names-variant (string, default = canonical)
The metric name style, either canonical or linuxMonitorZenPack.
protocol (string, default = local)
Collection type; only local is supported, so this key can be omitted.
ignore-unmounted (boolean, default = false)
Whether to skip unmounted disks during collection.
include-block-types (array)

A list of block types to collect.

  • If populated, then only disks with matching block types are collected and the exclude-block-types list is ignored.
  • If empty or omitted, all block types are collected.
exclude-block-types (array)
A list of block types not to collect.
use-sudo (boolean, default = false)
Whether to use sudo to run the lsblk command.


apiVersion: v1
kind: datasource
name: host-disk
  type: host-disk
    interval: 60
    timeout: 30 
    metric-names-variant: canonical
    protocol: ""
    ignore-unmounted: false 
      - disk
      - part
      - lvm
      - raid1
    exclude-block-types: []
    use-sudo: true