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host-filesystem datasource

The host-filesystem datasource collects information about file systems from the operating system and creates entities and metric data points.


Name Units Description blocks Available storage blocks
filesystem.inodes_free inodes Available inodes
filesystem.inodes_total inodes Total inodes
filesystem.inodes_used inodes Used inodes
filesystem.inodes_utilization percent inode utilization
filesystem.used blocks Used storage blocks
filesystem.utilization percent Overall utilization

Name styles

This datasource supports two mutually exclusive naming styles for the metrics that it collects:

  • canonical: The default style, which features namespace prefixes.
  • linuxMonitorZenPack: The legacy style, used in the Linux Monitor ZenPack.

To change the default style, set the metric-names-variant property in the datasource section to linuxMonitorZenPack.

Canonical style ZenPack style disk_availBlocks
filesystem.used disk_usedBlocks
filesystem.utilization disk_percentUsed
filesystem.inodes_total idisk_totalInodes
filesystem.inodes_free idisk_availableInodes
filesystem.inodes_used disk_usedInodes
filesystem.inodes_utilization idisk_percentInodesUsed


Property Description
name File system mount point
capacityBytes File system size, in bytes
mount File system mount point
mode File system read/write mode
storageDevice File system physical storage drive
type File system type


  "capacityBytes": "28926365696",
  "mode": "rw",
  "mount": "/dev",
  "name": "/dev",
  "storageDevice": "devtmpfs",
  "type": "devtmpfs"


If you specify the host-filesystem datasource during installation, its configuration file is placed in the following location:


Otherwise, you must copy it from the templates directory:

cp /etc/zendatamon-configs/.templates/.configs/host-filesystem.config.yaml \

The Zenoss Cloud agent service monitors the /etc/zendatamon-configs/configs directory and loads any new or changed configuration files immediately.


interval (number)
The number of seconds to wait between collection attempts. This value overrides the defaultInterval value in the Zenoss Cloud agent service configuration file.
timeout (number)
The number of seconds to wait before dropping a collection attempt.
metric-names-variant (string, default = canonical)
The metric name style, either canonical or linuxMonitorZenPack.
protocol (string, default = local)
Collection type; only local is supported, so this key can be omitted.
ignore-names (array)
A list of regular expressions that identify a set of file system not to collect. If empty or omitted, all file systems collected.
ignore-types (array)
A list of file system types to skip during collection. If empty or omitted, all file systems types are collected.


apiVersion: v1
kind: datasource
name: host-filesystem
  type: host-filesystem
    interval: 60
    timeout: 30
    metric-names-variant: canonical
    protocol: ""
    ignore-names: ""
      - other
      - ram
      - virtualMemory
      - removableDisk
      - floppyDisk
      - compactDisk
      - ramDisk
      - flashMemory
      - networkDisk

ZenPack compatibility

For compatibility with the Linux Monitor ZenPack, use the action service to create a metric trigger (and accompanying destination and rule) for filesystem.utilization data points that are greater than 90%.