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host-linux-lvm datasource

The host-linux-lvm datasource collects information about LVM components from the operating system on Linux hosts and creates metric data points, entities, and events.


Metric data points include the following groups and name styles:

Physical volumes

Name Units Description bytes The amount of available free space
lvm_physical_vol.size bytes The size of a physical volume
lvm_physical_vol.used bytes The amount of used space on a physical volume
lvm_physical_vol.utilization percent The percentage of utilized space on a physical volume

Logical volumes

Name Units Description
lvm_logical_vol.data_utilization percent The percentage of utilized data space on a logical volume
lvm_logical_vol.metadata_utilization percent The percentage of utilized metadata space on a logical volume
lvm_logical_vol.size bytes The size of a logical volume

Volume groups

Name Units Description bytes The amount of available free space
lvm_vol_group.logical_volume_count logical volumes The number of logical volumes in a volume group
lvm_vol_group.physical_volume_count physical volumes The number of physical volumes in a volume group
lvm_vol_group.size bytes The size of a volume group
lvm_vol_group.snapshot_count snapshots The number of snapshots in a volume group
lvm_vol_group.utilization percent The percentage of utilized space in a volume group

Name styles

This datasource supports two mutually exclusive naming styles for the metrics that it collects:

  • canonical: The default style, which features namespace prefixes.
  • linuxMonitorZenPack: The legacy style, used in the Linux Monitor ZenPack.

To change the default style, set the metric-names-variant property in the datasource section to linuxMonitorZenPack.

Physical volumes

Canonical style ZenPack style
lvm_physical_vol.size physical_vol_size physical_vol_free
lvm_physical_vol.used physical_vol_used
lvm_physical_vol.utilization physical_vol_used_percent

Logical volumes

Canonical style ZenPack style
lvm_logical_vol.size logical_vol_size
lvm_logical_vol.data_utilization logical_vol_data_percent
lvm_logical_vol.metadata_utilization logical_vol_metadata_percent

Volume groups

Canonical style ZenPack style
lvm_vol_group.size group_size group_free
lvm_vol_group.utilization group_used_percent
lvm_vol_group.physical_volume_count group_physical_volume_count
lvm_vol_group.logical_volume_count group_logical_volume_count
lvm_vol_group.snapshot_count group_snapshot_count


Entities include the following:

Physical volumes

Property Description
name The physical volume name
uuid The unique identifier of a physical volume
attributes The LVM attributes associated with a physical volume
format The LVM format of a physical volume
vol_group The parent volume group's name


    "attributes": "a--",
    "format": "lvm2",
    "name": "/dev/sdg1",
    "uuid": "eNZVAN-x1xU-LuEF-ovHr-Kj0Z-384q-fHr1aI",
    "vol_group": "docker"

Logical volumes

Property Description
name The logical volume name
uuid The unique identifier of a logical volume
attributes The LVM attributes associated with a logical volume
vol_group The parent volume group's name
major_minor The major and minor kernel number for the device
mountpoint The filesystem location where this logical volume is mounted


  "attributes": "twi-aotz--",
  "major_minor": "2:15",
  "mountpoint": "/var/data",
  "name": "docker-pool",
  "uuid": "muYIjb-hktL-VzSe-rxTv-4Qjb-ojhs-AF4UqR",
  "vol_group": "docker"

Volume groups

Property Description
name The volume group name
uuid The unique identifier of a volume group
attributes The LVM attributes associated with a volume group


  "attributes": "wz--n-",
  "name": "docker",
  "uuid": "ocFfVp-jcca-Kw8W-3y1y-POYr-2Vy9-8kG8V8"


For normal changes, events have a severity of INFO. Otherwise, they have a severity of WARNING.

Physical volumes

Physical Volume allocatable_Event
A change in the allocation status of a physical volume.

Physical Volume exported_Event : A change in the export status of a physical volume.

Physical Volume missing_Event

A change in the presence status of a physical volume.

  "name": "Physical Volume allocatable_Event",
  "component": "/dev/sdg1",
  "device": "ServerStation1",
  "source": "example_server_zdm_host",
  "eventClass": "/Status",
  "summary": "Physical Volume '/dev/sdg1' is allocatable.",
  "body": "Physical Volume '/dev/sdg1' is allocatable.",
  "severity": "SEVERITY_INFO",
  "status": "STATUS_OPEN"

Logical volumes

Logical Volume state_Event
A change in the state of a logical volume.
Logical Volume health_Event

A logcial volume health event.

  "name": "Logical Volume health_Event",
  "component": "docker-pool",
  "device": "ServerStation1",
  "source": "example_server_zdm_host",
  "eventClass": "/Status",
  "summary": "Logical Volume 'docker-pool' is healthy.",
  "body": "Logical Volume 'docker-pool' is healthy.",
  "severity": "SEVERITY_INFO",
  "status": "STATUS_OPEN"

Volume groups

Volume Group partial_Event

A change in the status of a volume group (for example, when a physical disk is removed from a volume group that contains multiple physical disks).

  "name": "Volume Group partial_Event",
  "component": "docker",
  "device": "ServerStation1",
  "source": "example_server_zdm_host",
  "eventClass": "/Status",
  "summary": "Volume group 'docker' is in 'Partial' state.",
  "body": "Volume group 'docker' is in 'Partial' state.",
  "severity": "SEVERITY_WARNING",
  "status": "STATUS_OPEN"


If you specify the host-linux-lvm datasource during installation, its configuration file is placed in the following location:


Otherwise, you must copy it from the templates directory:

cp /etc/zendatamon-configs/.templates/.configs/host-linux-lvm.config.yaml \

The Zenoss Cloud agent service monitors the /etc/zendatamon-configs/configs directory and loads any new or changed configuration files immediately.


interval (number)
The number of seconds to wait between collection attempts. This value overrides the defaultInterval value in the Zenoss Cloud agent service configuration file.
timeout (number)
The number of seconds to wait before dropping a collection attempt.
metric-names-variant (string, default = canonical)
The metric name style, either canonical or linuxMonitorZenPack.
protocol (string, default = local)
Collection type; only local is supported, so this key can be omitted.
use-sudo (boolean, default = false)
Whether to use sudo to run the vgs, lvs, and pvs commands.


apiVersion: v1
kind: datasource
name: host-linux-lvm
  type: host-linux-lvm
    interval: 60
    timeout: 30
    metric-names-variant: canonical
    protocol: ""
    use-sudo: true